Market research company Global Web Index have released the latest edition of their GlobalWebIndex Generation reports. These reports are designed to examine the digital behaviors of a particular generation – showcasing trends over time as well as analyzing how the audiences. The latest report focuses on profiling the Gen Z audience and how elements such as tech and media, gaming and social media impact this generation.
An overview of Gen Z
- The Gen Z audience is generally labeled them as highly digitally engaged; using a variety of social media platforms, music/TV streaming services and gaming devices.
- While this is certainly the case, their attitudes and activities online are beginning to reflect the growing concerns they face regarding an uncertain future.
- Brands aren’t just marketing to an audience of colorful, tech-savvy trendsetters anymore – they’re dealing with vocal, informed users who want to change a world that’s rapidly changed them.

- Gen Z’s interests convey a creative and competitive nature.
- Gaming is a staple- 63% are interested in the activity, 12 percentage points ahead of millennials.
- Female Gen Zs show more interest in beauty/cosmetics, with 66% saying this (40% more likely than the average female internet user).

- 27% of respondents say that standing out in a crowd is important to them, meaning brands should reciprocate their desire for exclusivity.
- They're highly entrepreneurial, describing themselves as money-driven (28%), ambitious (39%) and career-focused (42%).
- Around half say helping the environment is important to them, while just under four in 10 say the same about contributing to their community or helping others.
- It’s worth noting that these attitudes largely come into play when purchasing from brands and therefore shouldn’t be ignored.
Tech, device and entertainment
- Tech-savviness is considered a staple trait of young audiences, and this is certainly true of Gen Zs, 44% of which say they are comfortable using the latest technology.
- While they’re more or less on par with millennials in this regard (45%), Gen Zs display more self-awareness of their relationship with technology.
- Gen Zs are aware of the risks associated with modern technology and prefer to be anonymous online.
- Brands should take note of these behaviors and remember that, given the chance, Gen Zs will always opt for retaining their privacy over trading it.
- Just one in four feel in control of their data online and 6 in 10 say they would rather keep their data than exchange it for free services.